Friday, October 31, 2008

Numbers and technology

I have long been wondering why the numbers on calculators/keyboards are positioned differently to the numbers on phones. On calculators the numbers start from the bottom 0123456789, but on a phone from the bottom they are 0789456123. Is this confusing, or what? Especially when you use both constantly - it confuses me, anyway - I actually have to THINK what I'm doing!

Big Trip 2008

Gary & I , after 18 months planning, set off for our big adventure - a 42 day trip to America, Britain & Ireland. I had been on a few trips before, (to Europe, Egypt, Israel, Turkey, Denmark, Sweden, Norway & Russia), but Gary's travel experience was limited to New Zealand, Fiji (30 years ago) and Vanuatu last year.

During the trip I emailed my friends and family every couple of days, keeping a journal of sorts.

So, enjoy our travels - they start on 20 August and end on 28 September.
