Friday, August 20, 2010

Welcome Olivia May Summers

Another reason to celebrate!

Yes, Alison & Danny have presented us with another grandchild – a beautiful girl – Olivia May.

Olivia was born on 20th August at 2.04pm, weighed in at a creditable 8lb 4oz, and was 51cm long. She has a wonderful shock of dark hair and is absolutely gorgeous, even given she has Danny’s chin!

Alison is understandably a bit sore as she had a caesarian as little Olivia was breech with her head securely embedded under Alison's ribs. Danny stayed overnight with her in hospital and Grandma got to have a sleepover with Benjamin & William.

I'm sure you will agree she is truly beautiful – her brothers can't wait to see her!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to me, happy birthday to me! Yes, I was lucky enough to be given a laptop for my birthday today by my lovely husband so I am now free to roam with wireless!

And it's not just any laptop – it's pink! Very me...

I'm planning to take the laptop with me on our cruise which leaves on 3rd September so I'll be able to regularly update my blog and share our adventures with you all.

I'm so excited! Well, I need to get some chores done now before the family arrives to celebrate my big day...more later.

Well, what a day! I am so lucky to have such a wonderful family. We had a lovely day and I got so many lovely presents. William and Benjamin had to help Grandma open them there were so many! Lots of clothes, books, jewellery, and of course Lillie, my lovely pink laptop. (I think she deserves a name, don't you?) But to top it all off, the last present I opened was a huge box, beautifully gift wrapped, from Gaz. He'd already given me Lillie this morning so I was a little bemused and couldn't imagine what it could be.

I was stunned to find 2 large packs of Haig's rocky road (my absolute favourite), but nestled in between the yummy chocolate was a jewellery box containing the most beautiful diamond ring I'd ever seen. Apparently 30 years of whining about my small(ish) engagement ring had finally paid off! Suffice it to say, that ring will NEVER be mentioned again!

We then had a fantastic lunch (cooked by Gaz) followed by a scrummy cake baked by my mum. A couple of hours shopping with Carly topped off the day. I have certainly had a wonderful birthday – thanks everyone for you birthday wishes.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Playing the Beetle game

I babysat my grandsons last night - Ben aged 4 and Will aged 2 and they smashed me at Beetle. I really struggled to get a body and it's really hard to attach legs, head eyes etc when you haven't got a body! Will won and was very happy to display his winning beetle!
 Ben came second, by a mile, and certainly rubbed it in that he beat Grandma.
Oh well I'll have to work at it - maybe set up a practice schedule..there must be a trick to spinning that little arrow!