Saturday, March 2, 2024

Day 20 – Pambula and (more) Merimbula

 Anticipation was running high as Kev had promised us a slap-up breakfast and boy, did he deliver. A ‘big breakfast’ worthy of any 5-star cafĂ©! Sensational start to the day – thanks Kev!


Gaz and I decided to explore the nearby town of Pambula and set off mid-morning. We started by heading to Pambula Beach but predictably for a Saturday morning it was somewhat busy there so, being unable to find a parking spot, we drove the kilometre or so to the mouth of the Pambula River. What a lovely spot! There was a bush track that led back to Pambula Beach with a scenic viewing spot along the way. I checked this out while Gaz watched some guys getting their kayaks ready for launching into the river. The water looked wonderful – lovely shades of blue – but it was a bit cloudy and cool for a dip. We were happy enough to just walk around and enjoy the serenity!


We then headed to the shops at Pambula where Gaz found a coffee and I walked around the shops. Saw some nice art but refrained from purchases – the car is way too full already. We then stopped at the boardwalk at Merimbula, just to the west of the causeway. We walked along the  boardwalk for a while – the birdsong was amazing. Gaz then ‘took a bench’ while I walked a bit further along, beyond the boardwalk was some more bushy trails which were very pretty as well. After our walk we stopped into Woollies where we bought the staples for dinner as it was our turn to cook tonight.


It was then back home for some lunch and a rest before deciding to revisit some spots from yesterday. I was really keen to actually get down onto the beach, so we first went to Bar Beach where it was very windy. I just loved the amazing red rocks there and some of the weird formations on display.


Looking for a more sheltered spot, we popped back over to Mitchies Jetty and Main Beach and went for a longer walk there. There were quite a few people on the beach and the water looked sensational but still did not tempt us all the way in. We have carried around beach chairs and a beach umbrella for the whole trip and are still yet to use them … Gaz is not happy.


Back at the house and I prepped some of the dinner – marinated the pork and cooked some apple sauce. Maz and I then played Scrabble – another thing that has been carried around the whole way and in danger of not being used at all – hence the game this arvo. It was a very  game and in the end I won by a mere 5 points after Maz inadvertently alerted me to the fact that ‘ze’ is an acceptable scrabble word – thanks for the tip, Maz!


Kev & Maz had been oyster shopping (it’s a big local industry at Merimbula) and Kev got busy shucking. The other three then oohed and aahed over their fresh oysters that they claimed were extraordinarily amazingly good – I’ll take their word for it.


Dinner was well received and then, of course, it was time for Euchre. Kev/Pen v Gaz/Maz 1-1 (again). Off to our last destination tomorrow.

Friday, March 1, 2024

Day 19 – Merimbula and surrounds

What better way to start the day than to have a cuppa sitting out on the deck overlooking Merimbula Lake? It was a little overcast today but very pleasant with a top of about 24 degrees. After a couple of loads of washing were hung out, Gaz and I took off to explore.

We started by finding Mitchies Jetty where Gaz had a coffee. It was very windy and a little cool so we decided to walk to the causeway and back. Good to get the steps up and such beautiful scenery.


We then took another drive to the other side of the lake where we first explored Bar Beach then Short Point and Middle Beach. Everything looked spectacular.


Back home for some Turkish toasties for lunch and we rested a bit after our morning exertions. I decided I needed to check out the shops, so we drove the short distance there and after some wandering, I finally scratched my retail therapy itch and bought a couple of new tops. Gaz also grabbed a new t-shirt which was a major bargain. We then travelled back to Bar Beach where we walked on a boardwalk back towards town giving us fabulous views from a height and through some trees – spectacular!


Our final scenic viewing for the day was at Fishing Wharf on Long Point where we watched the fishermen for a while and checked out the stunning rock formations before heading back home for wine o’clock and to get ready to head out for dinner.


After much deliberation we ended up having dinner at the Sapphire Club where we had some very nice meals. Back home and it was Euchre – Maz/Kev v Gaz/Pen and 1-1 was the result. Only half of the movie was consumed last night so we were back on the Orient Express … and then … bed. 

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Day 18 – Orbost, Marlo, West Cape, Salmon Rocks, Eden, Merimbula

Another beautiful day dawned, and we were into our usual decamping routine which found us driving out of Metung just after 9am. We all agreed it had been a lovely spot. We passed through Lakes Entrance (though Kev and Maz didn’t and their GPS took them on a dirt road somewhere or other) and then found ourselves in Orbost, a lovely town. Kev & Maz arrived 5 minutes after us even though they left 5 minutes before us … ahh, the vagaries of GPS. We had a chat with a very friendly and helpful lady at the Tourist Information place who gave us some good tips for a tourist drive with some great views. Before we set off though, we viewed the wood turning and carving exhibition next door and Gaz purchased a few knick knacks. It was very impressive.


We then took a walk through the main street, and Maz & I checked out the shops while Kev & Gaz had coffee. I did manage to share Gaz’s Apple Danish which was sensational – still warm from the oven. Yum! We then set off on the tourist drive and headed first to Marlo to see where the Snowy River meets the see. Lovely wide river and very picturesque. We even saw a seal near the jetty.


Next spot was a high up view of the estuary. We had to park near the Marlo Cemetery and then walk a bush track for 150m or so. Once again great views! Two more stops – West Cape and Salmon Rocks were both equally spectacular and definitely worthwhile. Thank you to the lovely volunteer at Orbost who recommended this!


We had planned to do a rainforest walk and picnic at a nearby spot, but it was closed when we got there so we carried on to Cann River where we found a very pleasant park and had our picnic. It was then on to Eden where we found a cruise ship was in for the day and the passengers were queuing up to get back on. There were markets set up at the Tourist Info Centre and everyone kept directing us to the toilets even though we didn’t need them. People everywhere! We are still wondering what 2000 people do in Eden for a day. The new visitor’s centre was supposed to be worth seeing but we couldn’t really see anything special about it.


Gaz & I grabbed a few basic groceries before heading to our new abode for the next three days in Merimbula. This has been unanimously voted the best so far. Great views, clean, has everything you need. This includes Wi-Fi which the place in Metung didn’t have and my Vodafone reception was rubbish there as well, so I was forever hot spotting from Gaz’s phone which was very annoying. All good here though!


It was Kev & Maz’s turn to cook and they produced a lovely dish … ‘What do you call these Darl?’ Yep, yummy rissoles and vegies. After dinner the usual Euchre routine – Maz/Pen v Kev/Gaz resulting in 2-0 to Maz/Pen. It was then time for another movie, Murder on the Orient Express. Looking forward to exploring tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Day 17 – Metung Hot Springs & Country Club Golf

Another gentle start to the day saw us calling the golf club and the hot springs to ascertain details and book for our day out. Maz and Kev walked into town for a coffee while I chose a shorter walk along the boardwalk.


By 11am we were on our way – Maz & I to the Hot Springs and Kev & Gaz to golf. Maz & I had a great time! We were there for three and a half hours and enjoyed a variety of hot  pools, cold plunge pools, and showers. There were also saunas but that seemed a bit much. It was quite a warm day (top of 31 degrees) and we found our favourite pools in the shade and alternated between hot pools and the cold plunge pools. Maz also loved a hard massaging type shower she found. There were some fabulous views and some relaxing areas with comfy lounges as well.


After a couple of hours we took the opportunity to travel to the other side of the complex via a lift in a golf cart. Due to the construction of some new pools, the tracks that would normally take us to these pools was closed so the staff drove us out of the complex and through a new estate of houses to be able to access them. The views here were also sensational and we spent some really pleasant time there as well. The highlight was some individual barrels of the hot spring water that you sat in and the water bubbled up like a volcano. It was all fabulous and we also spent some time talking to some nice people from Townsville about their travels.


We arrived home after 2:30pm and grabbed a very late lunch. Gaz & Kev had a good round of golf – they said it was a lovely course though there were some long par 4s. Regardless, a fun time was had by all. We all then spent the afternoon relaxing and reading.


It was off to the Metung Hotel for dinner, right on the water. It was still pretty warm so we sat outside and all (except Gaz – his fish & chips were cold) had fantastic meals. I had a Japanese inspired baked salmon fillet and it was very yummy. It was then back home for Euchre – Kev/Pen v Maz/Gaz with a 2-0 win to Kev & me. We watched the Matildas game on TV and then off to bed ready for another moving on day tomorrow.