Thursday, August 21, 2008

Greetings from Hollywood

Greetings from Hollywood
Phew - it is still hot and sunny here...but I am not complaining...I'm about to head back to the hotel for a swim - yeah! We have been to Universal Studios today - we were extremely adventurous and walked to Hollywood Bde from our hotel and then caught the new metro train to Universal City - then a shuttle bus and we were there. Apparently that is much faster than dealing with the LA traffic. We had a great time at the Studio - went on tours, saw shows, walked a lot, got wet (inevitable) and managed to avoid scary rides. (Though I did lacerate Gary's arm with my watch when I thought scarabs from The Mummy were jumping on me...but it turned out to be...water). We have now caught the metro back to Hollywood and Gary is having a coffee while I do this. I fell asleep at 8pm last night, slept and woke refreshed at 10.30pm...uh oh....slept from 11pm to 1.30am...woke up raring to go...uh a book and finally slept from 3am to 7am...yeah - I think I'm finally in sync! Gary seemed to be sleeping quite well all night judging by the snoring... Not much more to say. Thanks for your emails & don't forget to keep us updated - the only Olympic news we have heard is that USA beat Aust in the men’s basketball!! How are the Kookaburras going? Anyway, it's Disneyland tomorrow...big day. Love to all, Gary & Penny

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