Friday, July 23, 2010

Welcome back!

Yep - it's been a while but I've decided to resurrect my blog, just in time for our epic voyage around Australia. Gaz & I leave on 3rd Sep for 28 days of sumptuous cruising, circumnavigating Australia. I must say I have started to get quite excited! We have started picking some of the land tours we will be undertaking in the various ports - though I must say it is slightly ironic that most of these "land" options actually involve traversing more waterways...paddle steamers, lugging boats (?), jumping croc adventures, river cruises. What the hell, we will at least be able to say we have seen every bit of water coastal Australia has to offer.

Anyway, enough of that. It's Saturday so it's washing, ironing and off to watch the big boys play soccer. Gary just asked me what I was doing and when I told him he said "What's a blog...bloody load of garbage? Ha ha ha. The sad thing is he really does need me to show him what a blog is, so that is obviously my task for today!

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