Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Day 45 - London 4

Last day in London…awwww. We did our final pack, checked out of the hotel (leaving luggage in storage), and caught the tube to Baker St to be at Madame Tussaud’s by our appointed 9.30am slot. Apparently it normally takes 2 – 3 hours to see everything but we were lucky that the crowd was very light, allowing us to get through in a little over an hour and a half.

It was very good – the wax figures are very life-like and it was good that you could actually touch them and be photographed in different poses. There was also a 4D movie experience and a “ride” that were pretty cool too.

So we did some last minute shopping on Oxford St (as you do) and then it was back on the tube to meet Carley for lunch at her workplace, the famous “Gherkin”, where we were booked in at the restaurant on the top floor. Once again we got lost – it seems when we ask for directions people send us the wrong way – what’s the go with that? Anyway, we finally found it and were signed in to the building, got through security, and then it was up on a series of elevators until we were at the very top with a wonderful view of London – who needs the London Eye? Lunch was amazing – really yummy food and very artistically presented. So we farewelled Carley, who presented us with some much appreciated emergency chocolate and biscuits for our journey. Thanks Carley for being such a great guide and friend!

A bit more shopping on the way back to the hotel and then it was time to wait for the shuttle bus we had booked for 4.30pm. Can I just tell you that it was the trip from hell…and that may be understating it? The driver had no idea where he was going, picked up numerous people, got lost numerous times, and then dropped everyone else off at every Heathrow terminal prior to dropping us at our terminal where we checked in with literally 30 seconds to spare. I am not exaggerating – 30 seconds to spare or we would not have been allowed to check in…and we sprinted (with about 30 kg of luggage each) the last few hundred metres to make it on time. So with hearts beating at a million miles an hour we then joined the longest line you have ever seen (I’m serious, you have EVER seen) to get through security and customs. It was touch and go but after another dash to make it to our boarding gate we eventually made it to the flight with minutes to spare. They almost gave us a heart attack as the board said the flight was closing so we were sprinting through the terminal only to find when we got to the gate that actual boarding had not even started.

Suffice it to say we were just happy to be on board, enjoyed a nice meal, watched a movie and grabbed a couple of hours sleep before landing at Dubai at 7am local time the next day…or 3am body clock time.


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