Thursday, December 1, 2016

Day 7 – Auckland

So as we wind up our holiday, let’s look at Carly’s other journey. She started with a sore throat, then she lost her voice, then she developed a cough, did I mention the headache? Well, to continue on with this wonderful tour of her wellnessless (like that new word?), she has now moved on to the next stage of the cycle – sleeping. I was tempted to take a photo of her propped up on about four pillows as she slept sitting up last night to reduce the whole coughing scenario. This morning she woke earlyish, dragged herself into the bath, back into bed, and then back to sleep. She clearly needed to rest – thank goodness we didn’t have to move on and were spending another day and night here.

By 9:45am, as she was still asleep, I decided I would eat my arm shortly if I didn't get some breakfast so wrote a note and prepared to leave. Just as I was walking out the door, Carly's eyes fluttered open. She assured me she did not want or need anything and urged me to go out and explore…and she would sleep. So, I did (but I did feel guilty!)

After grabbing a quick (non Trip Advisor) breakfast that was very nice, I hightailed it to the tallest building – Sky Tower – because that’s where the bus stop for the hop on, hop off bus is. You didn’t think I was going up in the glass lift did you? It seemed like a good landmark to find – look up and follow the big tall thingy. What followed was a solo adventure of hopping – on and off. I saw views from the top of hills, walked beside the harbour, visited an awesome aquarium, visited the Auckland Museum which was fabulous, and walked through a number of parks. The commentary on the bus was also interesting and informative. I did have some trouble with the Kiwi accent – at one point the guy said “look at the lift” and I was searching around for a lift. It took me a while to realise he said “look to the left” lol! Anyway, I have actually found the names of places (and people) really confusing here – unpronounceable and often incomprehensible – I reckon it is easier in non-English speaking countries!

I  then ended up back at the hotel by about 3pm where Carly had spent the day sleeping. Well, she did also own up to eating a muesli bar at some point, but regardless it would have to go down as a pretty quiet day for her. Keen to at least get out one time in the day, Carly joined me for Linner. I am a little ashamed to say we had McDonalds…but that’s what Carly felt like, and hey, I was starving! We spent an hour or so wandering down to the waterfront, checked out a few shops, and arrived back at the hotel with some yummy cookies in hand for supper later. I just couldn’t wait to get my shoes off! Lots of walking today.

Carly seems a bit better now – hopefully the worst is past. We head back home tomorrow having really enjoyed our short break here in NZ. It was unfortunate that Carly got sick, but hey, maybe that just means we’ll have to come back one day and do it all again!

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