Saturday, April 30, 2022

Day 5 – Highfields & Crows Nest

With such an exciting day yesterday, we surely can’t be blamed for getting off to a slower start today. Mid-morning I took a short stroll to the Tourist Info Centre, and adjoining park, to gather some ideas for something nice and relaxing to do today. The lady there was super friendly and helpful. After filling my arms with brochures and maps, we were chatting and I mentioned that my mum’s childhood home had been moved into Stanthorpe to be a B&B (yes, it was a very random chat that this specific anecdote came up). She exclaimed with delight and said, “I’ve stayed there! They told us how it had been moved from a property. How amazing!” Such a small world.

Anyway, we headed off to the Central Shopping area where Gaz was keen to buy a shirt as he had forgotten to pack a short sleeve ‘going out’ shirt. While he was in the shops, I poured over the brochures and devised a plan for the day. We headed north of Toowoomba to what is known as the High Country. I had chosen for our first stop, and lunch, a place called Chocolate Cottage, Highfields. With a name like that how could we go wrong? It was in a beautiful village green type setting, sort of near the edge of the escarpment, so had lovely views. We shared a very yummy gourmet sandwich and lemon meringue pie.

Luckily there were some clothes shops as part of the complex and I was able to snag a bargain while Gaz enjoyed the sunshine on the village green. It was a particularly pleasant day weather wise with mainly sunshine and a light breeze – perfect. We couldn’t leave without purchasing some chocolates, so they have been put aside for perhaps a special treat with the others … might need to be soon, before they melt!

After that lovely stop, we kept going up the highway and about 20km on came to the town of Crows Nest where we stopped for a stroll in the park, Gaz tried out a bench, and then we drove around the town to get a feel. Very impressed. There was also a nice photographic opportunity on the way back at Mount Kynoch Lookout to briefly stop and enjoy the view. I should mention how friendly everyone has been – I have had lots of lovely conversations with people serving in shops, other random people, and just generally everyone we come upon. I nicked into Aldi on the way home and the lady in front of me in the line insisted I go ahead of her as I only had 3 items. So nice!

Gaz decided to take the car to the car wash when we got back. This could be a move we live to regret. As the machine was going over the car it collapsed on the bonnet and seems to have stuffed up the wipers. Gaz rang the number posted there to get some assistance and the guy is in Brisbane and offering no help. Kev came over to have a look, but it was too dark to do too much so we will re-convene in the morning for Kev to try to wield his magic. Fingers crossed because the wipers are a pretty important part of cars apparently and we might not be able to leave without them being in working order … and we are due to leave tomorrow. Did I mention it’s a long weekend in Qld? Yeah, the car wash guy knows that – that’s why he’s in Brisbane!

OK, enough about that. Kev and Maz picked us up to meet some of the others for dinner. We had trouble finding the pub and walked around the block only to find it was 20m from where we parked but we had walked the wrong way – it was turning into one of those days. Then Gaz tried to order a XXXX but they didn’t have any (did no one tell them they are in Qld?), then the pork dumplings were too spicy so he ended up drinking Tia Maria and milk (apparently last imbibed by him sometime in the mid-70s) to take the spice off his lips, then Parra got thrashed, … then … well, you get the picture.

Put all your prayers and good thoughts out into the universe tonight that we can fix the car in the morning … because otherwise it could get ugly lol.

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