Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Greetings from Broadway, New York

Greetings from Broadway, New York
Well we did move rooms...to a much more modern room on the 11th floor but unfortunately we lost our view of Broadway...but at least our feet stay dry in the bathroom as this toilet doesn't leak! You would not believe what happened Sunday night! We took the subway to Times square, got in the line at 6.15 for the 7pm show, the line grew...and grew...got restless...got edgy...slow hand clapping started at 7.05...and then at 7.15 a rumour started spreading that the show was cancelled! The air conditioning had broken down! For those of you who know Gary, you know that I could now be canonised as a saint for standing in that line with him for an hour! We did get to listen to the TOTAL soundtrack of Grease while we waited so I guess that's something though Gary says if he ever hears any of those songs again he will not be responsible for his actions... Anyway there was not a lot of information on how to get money back etc so we went to the box office yesterday afternoon (as they told us to do) and the box office had closed early for the Memorial Day public holiday...once again sainthood is mine! Soooo today (third time lucky?) we took the subway back to times Square and were told they could not give us our money back as we bought the tickets from Australia and would have to follow it up there...did I mention I will be immortalised as a saint??? After dragging Gary away from the theatre he agreed that it might be best if we give Broadway shows a miss - maybe we'll catch something in London... Okay, so that was Sunday...Monday morning we headed off to catch our bus tour of Manhattan and Gary fell down the subway stairs. (OK, kids, I can hear you laughing...but it wasn't THAT funny and I had to use quite a few of my baby wipes (mysteriously purchased by Gary when I asked him to get Wet Ones before we left) to wipe the blood from his knee). Got a few weird looks from New Yorkers on the subway too which is a feat in itself! He is fine - we went and got some oversized band-aids from the pharmacy and patched him up...though there were mumblings about suing the city of NY. We had a great bus tour which also incorporated a 1 hour ferry ride on New York Harbour/East River/ Hudson River. We saw all the stuff you need to see here - Statue of Liberty, Staten Island, Ellis Island, Empire State Bldg, Central Park, 5th Avenue, Madison Av, Wall St, Brooklyn Bridge....you name it, we saw it! As we were driving down 5th Av, the tour guide was mentioning which celebrities lived in which buildings and said "Candice Bergen lives in this building and that might be her getting out of that car"...and it was! I took photos to prove it! We had a pretty quiet night in the hotel room watching James Bond films and episodes of Judge Judy...very entertaining! This morning I eventually woke Gary up at 10.50am as I thought he may have slipped into a coma - who knows, a delayed reaction to the baby wipes??? Anyway, just turned out he needed sleep, so we got a late start but went to the American Museum of Natural History which was amazing - you could spend a week there! Gary was impressed that they had a large exhibition of American Indians with all the tribes from his youth of watching western movies represented...though we didn't see the Hakowee tribe (F-Troop for those under 40...). We then walked down to the Dakota Bldg and saw the memorial for John Lennon - Strawberry field - in Central Park. Another trip on the subway and we were in Columbus Square where they are preparing for a free concert on Thursday by Usher (??? Gary tells me James would know him) & Keith Urban to mark the beginning of the NFL- American football season. That is one end of Central Park and we took a ride in a little peddle driven rickshaw thingy for 45 minutes around the park - saw the "Friends" fountain and lots of other recognisable landmarks from movies etc. We had a very nice (and fit) tour guide who peddled away while he talked about the park & its history. So here we are on Tuesday night - we will shortly go and grab some dinner - gotta be better than my effort of M&Ms and cheddar goldfish (strange choice of shape for biscuits but yummy nonetheless) which I had last night! It's off to the tennis (US Open) tomorrow which we are braving the subway (once again) to get to...but this time we will leave the island of Manhattan and venture into Flushing, Queens (that's where the Nanny comes from - for those over 40). Anyway, we continue to have a ball - Gary says he loves NY even more that Vegas...and that is saying something! We are getting our laundry done at a local place $1/lb sounded better than me slaving over the cramped bathtub and making the place look like a Chinese laundry! Hope you are all well - thanks so much for all your emails - it is great to hear from you all - sorry if I don't reply individually. Love to all,P&G

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