Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Greetings from Edinburgh

Greetings from Edinburgh
Wow, what a busy last few days!!!! We had a very smooth flight from Washington to Heathrow and landed 45 minutes early due to the winds of Hurricane Hanna blowing us over the Atlantic (I knew she'd be good for something!). After a fantastic shuttle ride in to the hotel - great bus, very friendly driver (UK1, US0) we walked around the corner to get a bite to eat. I had vowed I was going to eat the first thing I saw and it was that's what we had. I may have eaten a passing bobby or Big Issue seller if I hadn't eaten then and there! We staggered back to the room and Gary had a bit of a nap, I washed (again) and we decided to have an early night as we were to leave at 7.30am the next day. At this point I need to mention the idiocy of continental quilts - i.e. a fitted sheet and then a quilt on top. Frankly, it is too hot with the quilt on & too cold with it off - an alternate option is required people!!! Perhaps a sheet (as they had in the US) or light cotton blanket??? (UK1, US1). Anyway, a bit of a restless night for me with wide awake time between 1.30am and 3.30am. The time difference was 5 hours so I guess that was expected. We boarded our bus and headed off to our first stop of Stratford upon Avon - Shakespeare's birthplace - very interesting...and that's when the rain started...and it has hardly stopped since. (I know you warned me Davey!). We then moved on, stopping for lunch along the way, and arrived in York in the arvo, did a walking tour, roamed around a bit and then back to the hotel for a welcome drink and dinner with our group. Most people in the group seem very nice - 12 from US, 13 Canadians & 14 Aussies. We had dinner with 6 of the Aussies last night (3 other couples) and all got on really well. We all have kids/grandkids of a similar age. They are from Canberra, Brisbane & Ipswich. One of their daughters lives in Warners Bay! Anyway, had a good night! Back on the bus at 8am and off too Durham where we visited a beautiful cathedral and walked around the lovely market town. We went on to Jedburgh where we had lunch (and shopped) and then arrived in Edinburgh this afternoon. Did I mention that it is raining???!!! Oh well, we have got used to walking in the rain with our jackets on and heads down. I forgot to tell you the OUTSTANDING news!!!! My ghd hair straightener works again!!! (UK2,US1). Apparently even with the US adapter the voltage etc bla bla bla means it won't work in the US but it does here. Oh, glory be!!!! I look like me again and not some mad harridan with wild untamed locks! Anyway, back to the story...oh yeah - everything has been wonderful so far - the scenery, the tour director is awesome - Dillon, a Welsh dude - the food is good, the people are great - very friendly & polite, service is excellent (UK3, US1) and e continue to have great time. Gary has just done our washing - he offered & nearly died when I said yes - ha ha ha! We are here for 2 nights & do a city tour tomorrow - we have been out exploring a bit this arvo but the RAIN got a bit heavy (it's cold too!!!!). I'd better go - my time may run out soon and the in room machine I am using is akin to using an Atari in 1972!!!! (Very frustrating!!) (UK3, US2). Love & best wishes to all. Thanks for all your emails - I really love 'em. Good luck to the soccer boys for their GF on Saturday, good luck to Kyle & Kat for their wedding on Saturday and Happy Birthday to James for Saturday....just in case I don't get a chance beforehand. loveP&G

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