Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Day 5 - Ring of Kerry

We finally had a pretty good night’s sleep but this was only because we resorted to drugging ourselves with cold & flu tablets full of antihistamines! Anyway, we woke up to a typical Irish misty and drizzly day and were on the road by 8.30am. We first stopped for a group photo by a lovely lake near Killarney, then it was off to a Woollen Mill for some shopping (very important part of the day) and then followed this up with a visit to a shepherd named Brendon who gave us a great demonstration of sheep dog trials. Very clever fellow…and very clever dogs. We thought maybe the sheep were also very clever but he assured us this was definitely not the case!

The scenery around the Ring of Kerry is spectacular and although we missed a bit in the mist today, generally we were pretty lucky and the mist cleared when we stopped for photos. We also went for a “monastery experience” where we learnt all about a bunch of monks in the 6th century who carved a life out for themselves on a rocky island 13 miles off the coast. Thankfully we didn’t actually go to said island as there are 650 very dangerous looking steps up to the monastery that make Blarney Castle look like fairy steps. An interesting story none the less…and we had a yummy lunch of mushroom soup there. By this time it was getting pretty cold and our last few stops were a mite chilly to say the least.

We went for another walk around Killarney this evening and spotted some more O’Shea signs…OMG – they’re everywhere. At the woollen mill shop this morning the shop assistant saw my name on the credit card and asked where abouts in County Kerry my family ancestors were from. She seemed quite disgusted when I said I didn’t know and didn’t really seem keen to accept my excuse that the O’Sheas aren’t really my family so it isn’t my fault. Looks like someone needs to do some serious family research before I can show my face in that shop again!


Martin, our driver, continues to delight us with great commentary and stories as well as breaking out in song regularly and encouraging a bit of community singing. Even CJ was clapping along at times. Tonight we finally met the other two Aussies on the bus – most of the passengers are American with just a couple of Canadians as well. They are a young couple from Victoria and we chatted happily for an hour or two – it is easier when you have stuff in common.

CJ is madly trying to dry the clothes she washed last night so I’d better go and assist. We move from this hotel tomorrow which will be sad as we love it here…awesome food!

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