Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Hawaii 2017 - Day 2

Day 2 – Shopping & Beach

We slept the sleep of the dead – what a great night’s sleep – didn’t wake up until after 7am and voila, the body clock is set! Taking our time, we wandered down for our (included) buffet breakfast … and I wasn’t disappointed. Everything you would expect – the little man making omelettes, pancakes, waffles, fresh fruit, waffles, pastries, waffles … did I mention waffles?

Some time later we staggered out of the restaurant and made our way back to the room where we readied ourselves for a foray into the joys of shopping. Carly had given us the good oil as it were, and we decided to head to Ala Moana shopping centre rather than the famed outlets. As many of you know, I’m not known as a shopper and although Gary used to have a bit of a reputation as a shopper of note, this has faded somewhat lately. Luckily we are very close to a stop for the Pink Trolley (which confusingly is coloured yellow), a double decker tram that takes you right there, so that’s what we did – hopped on the trolley and took in the sights.


Arriving at the shops, we followed the crowd, grabbed a map, and then started on what turned out to be a five hour expedition. My iWatch says we walked over 11 km – I’m not sure if that’s true, but it sure seemed a long way. We bought some stuff for ourselves, mainly shoes and makeup, (Gaz not so much the make up), and found some yummy juice and smoothies in the massive food court. We also found a supermarket and stocked up on fresh fruit … somehow some biscuits slipped into the basket as well … not sure how that happened! Importantly, we also found a bank and exchanged two $20 notes for 40 $1 notes. Tipping is a nightmare and you can never have enough $1 notes! Oh, and there was a bit of a hula show too.


It was then back on the trolley to get back to the hotel (where you have to pay the exact fare, no change, that’s right $2 each so 4 x $1 notes!). The whole loop of the trolley takes about an hour and was good as it went past a few other places we would like to go to, so at least now we know where they are. After our big day we were resting in the room and I heard the first telltale snore from Gary – no way, he hates dozing during the day – so I said let’s go to the beach before we fall asleep. 


It’s so easy – the beach is literally across the road. We had a great time – they have built a wall a little way out so the waves don’t really pound you – it’s more of a swell. Very refreshing water – loved it. We stayed in the water for about 45 minutes, sat on the beach for about the same time and then headed back to the room to get ready for dinner – that means swapping your daytime thongs for the nighttime ones … and maybe getting out of your wet swimmers … but only if you feel like it.


Another great evening by the pool – beers for Gary and a Mai Tai for me – and a Hawaiian Pizza…well, as they say, when in Rome (or Hawaii). A very talented musician and singer serenaded us with contemporary music – very pleasant all ‘round. The DVD selection for tonight is The Promise - never heard of it … we’ll see. I actually enjoyed Baywatch last night – so silly it was funny.

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