Friday, May 17, 2019

Day 12 – Noosa

‘Is that blue sky I can see?’ This was my first thought when I arose and peeked out from behind the blind on the bedroom window. Indeed it was! Did it last? Of course not! I will say, however, that although it did rain on and off today, the showers were lighter, briefer, and when it wasn’t raining it was generally sunny. So that was certainly an improvement on past days.

We had all decided last night to have a “free and easy” day today – no plans. Gaz and I decided, due to what seemed a possible window in the weather, to go for a walk up the boardwalk to Wilkinson Park at Point Perry, a headland just up from Coolum Beach where we are staying. It was actually quite warm and had wonderful views.

We watched a guy surfing for a while when we hit the top of the headland and then I turned around and couldn’t find Gaz. Eventually I saw that he had found a bench to do some exercises on … random Gaz, random. We started to stroll back and what do you think happened? It started to rain. This increased our pace somewhat, but it was a nice walk none the less.

After a quiet time reading (me) and yelling at the TV news (Gaz), I decided to whip up an omelette for lunch and use up some ingredients from the fridge before we move on tomorrow. Very tasty, even if I say so myself.

Gaz was keen to re-visit Noosa, somewhere we hadn’t been for about 15  years, so we jumped in the car and headed up the coast road – it wasn’t far and it was a pretty drive. In a stroke of luck we found a car park right in the Main Street of Noosa and took a stroll observing the rich and famous having their long lunches at the ritzy restaurants and cafes. We walked along the beach – it’s a lot more protected than Coolum so less waves and wind, and more people. Enjoying our leisurely stroll, and half way along the beach, I’m sure you’ve guessed what happened next. Yes, it started to rain. Once again we upped the pace and headed back to the car.

On the way back to Coolum we saw a lovely rainbow, and could actually see where it ended – right in the sea. Once home, Gaz took off for the TAB and grocery shopping while I headed for the laundromat across the road and wrangled what I hope will be the last laundry wash before we get home … which is only a week away. Boy the time goes fast.

It was decided to have an easy dinner tonight and so fish and chips it was. Gaz had purchased a surprise dessert – a block of Wagon Wheel chocolate – and I can tell you it does sort of taste like wagon wheels. I think I’d like to try the Iced Vo Vo version – it would be awesome I reckon.

After dinner, the euchre tournament re-commenced. Maz urged Gaz to think positive but to no avail – another rubber won by Kev and me – that’s 3 rubbers to 1 – but who’s counting hehe.

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