Sunday, May 19, 2019

Day 14 – Brunswick Heads

Bit of a sleep in and slow start to the day as I didn’t get into bed until 1am. Kev and Maz stayed  night until the election concession and victory speeches were made and we could go to bed safe in the knowledge of who would be running the country when we awoke the next morning. I got up a bit before 8 and could wait for Gaz no longer, cooking myself a big brekkie at about 9. It was so big I didn’t have lunch!

Kev and Maz were up and organised, cycling into town (Brunswick Heads, about 1.5km) to do a reccy.

We drove in a bit later and did the same, finding a bustling little town with lots of coffee and boutique type shops. There was quite a crowd wandering around and I could imagine it would be really packed in summer. Parking was at a premium. Even saw a celebrity – Steve Bisley – having coffee at a corner café. We checked out the beach, the river, the break-wall and thought it all looked wonderful. Astonishingly it didn’t rain, but clouds were ominously gathering and, although warmish, was not warm enough for a swim for me or Gaz.

We grabbed a yummy lemon meringue tart from the bakery, found some bait, and headed home. After a bit of grumbling and groaning, one fishing rod was primed (or whatever you call it) and we wandered the 30 metres or so to the river’s edge to wet a line. Gaz cast the line in twice and declared it was “running too fast” so that fishing trip was quickly aborted.

Just as well anyway as the Knights v Dragons game was coming up on TV (yay, we have Foxtel!) Kev came over and we watched a magnificent display from the Knights who smashed the Dragons 45-12. Excellent game and a much desired result! Spent the next couple of hours chilling and then headed into town for dinner.

We had decided to try the pub for dinner but when we got there it was packed and there was a band playing very loud music. Us oldies decided retreat was the better part of valour and we found a nice café round the corner called Hoopers where Gaz and I had fish & chips and Kev and Maz had burgers. Yum. We might try the pub tomorrow night when hopefully is will be somewhat more subdued.

After sitting outside to eat dinner, we drove back to the cabin and were hardly inside when it started pouring with rain. Luckily we had a dry and relatively calm day today after all the cold rain and wind we’ve had – I’m happy that it rains at night – send it down Hughie! Kev and Maz soon arrived for our nightly euchre game – undertaken with the A-League grand final in the background. Look at Kev’s hand below – yep we won again, now leading 4 rubbers to 2.

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