Saturday, September 4, 2010

Cruise - Day 2

Day 2 will be forever known as the “Day of Sleep”. Although I felt fine, in sympathy with Gaz, I managed to spend about 4 hours snoozing throughout the day...I think I was tired and needed a holiday! Gaz continued to feel OK when lying flat on his back but became dizzy whenever he sat up. He did, however, start to improve slightly as the day wore on.

I did, in keeping with my pre-cruise vow, go to the gym and spent a fruitful 40 minutes or so pumping iron, cycling, walking and generally looking the part in my gym gear, always remembering my mother's words of wisdom - “Even if you're no good at it, at least you can look the part”.

I also went to breakfast and lunch, bringing back little titbits for Gaz to nibble on when he briefly awoke from his coma during the day. Gaz was certainly conscious enough to complain about the TV coverage available on the ship. I must be easy to please, 'cause I figure any coverage at all is a modern miracle and is pretty good. Anyway, it is slightly bizarre that the 2 news channels are British and American so Aussie news is a bit hard to come by. Strangely, out of the blue one channel broadcast the Warriors v Eels game last night – needless to say, that became less and less of a hit as the Eels fell further and further behind!

My other duty of the day was to go to the medical centre where the lovely Irish nurse Siobhan, dispensed some Avomine for Gaz to take – she swears by them – says they are the drug in the famed “injection” and said they would set him right...or was that roit (beautiful Irish accent). Anyway, Gaz was either excited at the prospect of getting better, or perhaps having the opportunity to one day meet the lovely Siobhan, but he finally conceded maybe all was not lost and he could perhaps continue on the cruise past Day 3.

I went off to dinner alone (again, naturally), and met our table mates for the rest of the cruise. I came away chanting their names to myself, vowing not to forget them...I'm hopeless with names. Narelle & Darryl from Sydney & Mary & Ian from Brisbane – yay me...I remembered. Anyway, they seemed really nice and I'm sure we'll all get on fine.

So it was off to bed...again...and more sleep. We awoke this morning just in time to see us slide under the something or other bridge on the Brisbane River.

Gaz has declared himself fit as a fiddle - “I'm fine now” he proudly declared at breakfast. “Oh yeah...” he added when I reminded him we are docked in a river and not even moving.

So we are off to explore Brissy with our mates Clem, Jan, Michael & Trish – more later!

1 comment:

Rae Neal said...

It seems my last comment went into cyberspace so here I go again. I am so pleased Gary is feeling lots better - let's hope this dreadful wind dies down and the seas become calm again. I have sent an email with the latest news.
Stay well Gary (you too Penna) and have a wonderful time.
Love Moops/Mil