Thursday, September 30, 2010

Cruise - Day 28 - 30 Sep

It's finally drawing to a close – our epic voyage circumnavigating Australia. Today was our last sea day and we will awake in Sydney Harbour tomorrow morning, preparing to disembark the vessel for the last time. I'm ready to go around again but alas it's back to reality for me...

We were kept busy on our last day with a number of activities. The Executive Chef and Maitre D' gave a cooking show where they cooked a 4 course meal – Caesar Salad, Pesto Linguine, Pot Pourri Seafood Hot Pot and Tirimisu. Gaz reckons he has picked up some tips to use when we return home...we'll see.

Then it was on to Bingo...where...the jackpot...did not go off. After an early lunch in the buffet I attended a back stage tour in the Princess Theatre where we got to meet the dancers & singers from the productions, chat to them, see the costumes and backstage areas. It was very informative and interesting – some of the costume changes they do are phenomenal...and all in 30 seconds.

You guessed it, back to Bingo this afternoon where the jackpot (now an amazing $8,900!) had to (and did) go off. Guess what? We didn't win. Gary was disgusted – he can not understand why we didn't win.

I then realised I'd better pack. Gary had packed in the morning but, as you know, I'm pretty good at leaving it 'til the last minute. With some inventive pushing and shoving I finally got everything stowed away in my bags, though they do appear to bulge slightly more than they did 28 days ago...I wonder why? Maybe the sea air expanded them? Hmm.

We spent a lovely final evening with our dining companions – Ian & Mary from Brisbane and Daryl & Narrelle from Rouse Hill in Sydney. They have been great company throughout the cruise and we were very lucky to have been at their table.

It's hard to believe it's nearly all over. I'll let you know how we fare on a departure tomorrow and what sort of welcome we receive at home. Apparently Oska has been totally spoiled by Tahnee who has been house sitting for us. He may not be so happy that we're home. It will be great to catch up with family and friends, especially little Olivia who is now 6 weeks old and apparently smiling...we won't recognise her!

It has been a great cruise - we have had some fantastic times and seen some wonderful sights. When's the next one?


Frank and Lee Rynehart said...

P & G,
It's October 1 and 9:15am here in B/N. While I've been catching up with 4 blogs (been away), had the TV on channel 9 and the half hourly news bulletin on the Today Show had aerial footage of the Dawn Princess along with another huge ship like yours in Sydney harbour. They made a big deal of it as it's not often they get 2 cruise ships of that size in at the same time.
I do hope as well as enjoying the chef's "cook-off" you managed to have possibly your last waffle. Will Gaz be able to make these when he gats back home??
Bingo!! - Bugger!!
To be able to be get backstage must have been for only a select few - I bet that in some way makes up for having to sit on the floor the other night.
w're so pleased to hear you had good travelling companions. I bet Oska (I hope he's the dog) will be so excited to see you both that he'll whip you sore with his tail. All of your family & friends will be getting excited also with only hours to go till you get back home.
I looked up the arrivals and it looks like you're disembarking around 4:00pm this afternoon so I hope it's quick so you'll be home before dark. Hope you can soon pick up your Grand Final momento and maybe catch up with some (if not all) of the "PREMIERS".
Well, welcome back home It's been a buz following your steps along the way.
Enjoy your homecoming.
Love & best wishes,
Frank & Lee.

Penny said...

Thanks for all your comments Frank & Lee - you are fantastic at keeping us up to date with all the news - it was much appreciated!
