Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Day 10 – Griffith Pioneer Park Museum

Couldn’t quite believe it but we slept in til 7:30 this morning – must be the lovely cool nights they have here. Gaz was sent off on a shopping trip to procure supplies for the picnic we planned later on in the day, and I put together our picnic stuff. Meeting at around 10am, our little group of 6 set off again in convoy to the Griffith Pioneer Park.

What a fabulous spot! Set up on a hill not far from the centre of Griffith, it is a set of buildings and museums that pay homage to the history of the region. Most of the buildings are original but have been relocated from elsewhere, often by a community group such as Rotary. They tell the story of the pioneers – there’s a schoolhouse, hospital, homestead, log cabin, general store, blacksmiths, post office and so on. I think it’s mainly run by volunteers.

There is also an amazing museum outlining the history of the Italian migrants who came here to this area, predominately between the wars. We watched an interesting DVD that was playing on a loop outlining the experiences of four families – gee, they did it tough, but apparently things were even worse back home in Italy and they were grateful to make a new start.

Another fascinating exhibit is the Knitted Garden – an amazing room/cabin chock-a-block full of knitted objects – flowers, toys, just about anything you can think of – it was amazing! Every time you looked again you saw something new. There were depictions of nursery rhymes, vegetables, aeroplanes, just so many varied and creative things.

We spent a lovely couple of hours wandering around the grounds and had planned to picnic there but in the end the lure of coffee (which was not available on site) and some alleged mozzies (so the boys said), sent us packing back down to the town where we stopped briefly at a café for coffees. Next stop was a park near a water channel where we enjoyed our usual picnic fare and especially welcomed the apple walnut log procured by Gaz that morning – champion work Gaz!

The others were keen to shop on the way home so we offered to take Buddy so they could take their time. We set off and were discussing what a big and somewhat vibrant town Griffith was, certainly very busy and bustling today, when BANG! Someone ran right up the back of us while we were stopped in a line of traffic. Although it was a shock, we were OK, Buddy was OK, the other driver was OK. Her car was not in good shape. Thankfully, our tow bar took the brunt of the impact and so our car is still drivable. Needless to say, Gaz was really angry, but we called the police, exchanged details etc and managed to drive without further incident!

Unfortunately the damage is such that we can no longer open or close the rear door to access the boot and we can’t lock the car, BUT we can fold the rear seats down and access the boot from the back seat doors so we should be able to manage. Gaz spent the afternoon at NRMA and a panel beater – so much for a quiet afternoon lol. Regrettably, the panel beater said nothing can be done until the whole thing gets fixed which will have to happen when we get home. I did the laundry and had a swim, so the time was not totally wasted.

It is Maz & Kev’s turn to cook tonight – lamb curry – looking forward to that! I think the plan for tomorrow is to drive to Hay.

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