Sunday, March 8, 2020

Day 8 – Wagga

Our meal last night was pretty good … and just as well … because it took an hour and a half to come out after we ordered it! Thankfully, we were sitting in a beer garden where Buddy was allowed, and the Women’s T20 World Cup Final was on the TV. So, after they profusely apologised for the kitchen stuff up, we forgave them, well mostly anyway. We were home by 9ish and after a bit of TV it was in bed for an early night.

This morning there was no great rush as we were meeting Wayne and Vicki at their place at 10am to see the sights of Wagga. We ended up with the boys in one car and the girls in another and drove around Lake Albert and some other scenic sort of areas. We ended up in town where we walked a while looking for a café as, being Monday, a few were closed. In the end we scored well with a very pleasant waitress that Gaz chatted up for an extra serve of cake – beautiful carrot cake that Gaz said we all needed to keep up our vegetable intake. Well that’s one food group sorted for the day!

We headed back to the cultural centre but were disappointed to find that various museums (apparently there’s a good sports museum they thought I would have liked) weren’t open on Mondays, so we decided to check out the shops. The boys lasted a while in this endeavour and then set off for a round of golf. Those of us left managed to spend a few hours browsing the shops in the main street and then grabbed some lunch, all the while taking it in turns to mind Buddy.

I was certainly up for a quiet afternoon and that’s what we got. Gaz and I arrived back at the cabin at the same time, about 3pm, and we both had the same plan – pool time! The weather has been a consistent 26 or 27 degrees the whole time we’ve been here – very pleasant coolish nights and warm days. So, Gaz did his exercise routine in the pool and I had a quick dip and then read my book (on my phone – people probably think I’m addicted to games or something lol). I also left some painted rocks in the children's playground at the caravan park and was quite amused when I saw someone find it and puzzle over what it was. They were speaking another language (Scandinavian or German?) so, who knows, could be another travelling rock.

All too soon it was time to get ready for dinner – Gaz and I are catching up with old Newcastle friends, Michael & Carol Wynne, tonight and then it’s back on the road tomorrow for Griffith via Narrandera and Leeton.

PS - I forgot to say, there are no photos of golf because Gaz didn't take any - one job... lol

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