Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Day 2 – Rain, mist & Leura

By the time we went to bed last night it had cooled down considerably – I think it was about 13 degrees, which seemed quite cool given it had been 36 degrees only a matter of hours earlier. Well, when we awoke this morning it was still about 13 degrees and that’s pretty much where it stayed for the whole day. The mist had closed in and a light, but steady stream of rain was drifting down with a constant monotony.

A quick consultation between potential golfers confirmed this was not an option and we would, as an alternate option, travel into Katoomba and take it from there. Maz and I had planned to check out the Skyway, or cable car or steep railway thingy so we all chuffed off in that direction to check it out. What did we see? Mist, just mist, or maybe cloud. Yes, I think we were just up in actual clouds. So, no flying on cable cars today as we decided we had flown in clouds before and did not need to do that again. We’re hoping it will be clear enough sometime before we leave to have another go.

We also called in to Echo Point Lookout, hoping to see The Three Sisters. Who were we kidding? The selfie of Maz and I at the lookout looked like we were standing in front of a white wall. So, we headed off to Leura Village to check out the shops and spent an hour or two strolling along in the still misty light rain. Gaz and I decided scones were required and oh boy, did we get scones?! Suffice it to say, they ended up being lunch!

A bit more shopping in Blackheath where the rain was now a steady stream and visibility was even further reduced, some resting up back at the cabin, and then it was our turn to cook. While I was prepping our steak and stir fry vegies, we had some drinkies and played an 80s Trivia Game where Maz and Kev made up some very complicated rules and scoring processes that bamboozled us at least as much, if not more, than the actual questions. I won on the back of some bonus scoring points decided by “Kev’s Rules” when I was able to give the answer before being offered the 3 multiple choice options – thank you Rubiks Cube and The Flying Doctors! I did mention it was trivia…
A quite adequate dinner, more wine, and then it was time to catch the last 20 minutes of Survivor, compile the weekly cricket newsletter and, yes, I kept the best for last, eat something I found earlier in the day – a Scorched Peanut Bar! Yes, they’re back and yes, they taste as awesome as they did 40 years ago!

Tomorrow we’re off to Oberon and Little Hartley … we think. Rain is forecast all week, so we are taking it one day at a time, hoping for just a brief reprieve to at least check out a view or two. But no problems if we don’t get to, it would just be an excuse to come back another time!

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