Thursday, May 19, 2022

Day 24 – Kingscliff

A heavy shower this morning worried us not at all as we had no where to be, nothing in particular to do, and we were happy enough taking it easy. Gaz took it so easy he didn’t wake up until 9:30am but, as he said, he must have needed that sleep! I was a little uncomfortable last night as somehow yesterday I got attacked by sand-flies or some sort of biting creatures and my legs are covered in very, very itchy bites that don't seem to be responding to soothing ointments. Hence, today I was drowning in aeroguard!

The morning was spent reading, relaxing on the verandah listening to the dulcet tones of the waves crashing on the beach. The only bit of excitement occurred when the big garbage truck rounded our small little corner and threatened to take us out … happily this was avoided. Late in the afternoon Maz and I decided to walk to the shops (about 2km). We spent a nice hour or so browsing and then walked back for a late lunch. We ran into Kev who had walked up a little after us. Gaz drove and did the grocery shopping for dinner – well, someone has to take one for the team says Gaz. It was good to get in some exercise.

Mid afternoon saw the resumption of the Euchre tournament as we realised that the Knights were playing in the evening which would interfere with our regular schedule. In an exciting development, two rubbers, (the best of three games), took place with the girls being victorious in both, so that puts us in the lead at 3-1. Not a bad way to spend a cloudy, overcast afternoon.

A communal effort for the evening meal saw a scrumptious pasta dish followed by another fresh fruit salad. We are certainly eating well. Maz then took her leave and the three of us suffered our way through the Knights v Broncos game on TV. After a reasonably promising first half, the last 15 minutes or so of the game was a real heart breaker. An unfortunate end to a very pleasant day.

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