Friday, May 20, 2022

Day 25 – Tropical Fruit World

Today was all about fruit, not just any fruit … tropical fruit! We, (Wayne & Vicky were back in the fold after spending a few days with Vicky’s brother on the Sunshine Coast), had already purchased our tickets and so gathered at around 11:00 am to make our way to Tropical Fruit World, a mere 10-minute drive away. Apparently, this bastion of tourist attractions was previously known as Avocado World, but I can see why they made the change … as the Wiggles would say, “Fruit salad, yummy, yummy” vs Yuppies breakfast food. No contest.

The tour started with a fruit information and tasting session. I was particularly impressed with the fruit called Rollinia that was purported to taste like lemon meringue … and it did! The avocado was talked up big time – best fruit in the world, most nutritious, bla, bla, bla. They couldn’t help themselves; avocados were obviously still trying to outdo the tropical fruit, but even though the avocado was very nice, I’d have to stick with the tropical fruit as the heroes. Let’s face it; an avocado may taste good, but it can never taste like lemon meringue!

After the tasting session, we all piled into a ‘tractor train’ that carried us around at least a portion of the 200 acre farm. There was a massive variety of fruit to be seen, though obviously not everything was in season. It was mentioned that 70% of the farm was cultivating avocados so while fruit varieties certainly outnumber the avocados, in sheer numbers I’d have to say the avocados have it.

Ben, our driver and guide, was very informative and managed to get us around without incident. At our first stop we were encouraged to pick our own bananas and crack open some macadamia nuts. After about 10 minutes there, a sudden cloudburst had us scurrying back into the tractor train which was, thankfully, covered and we were able to stay dry.

The rain was short lived, and we were soon stopping at an animal park where kids could feed the farm animals – chickens, sheep and miniature donkeys. We were then invited to board a boat that sailed down a spring fed creek on a lovely winding journey for about 10 minutes or so until we reached an island.

On the island Ben offered us a lemon myrtle drink that we all agreed tasted like disinfectant and there was also a display of bush tucker … and a bench for Gaz to rest on. After another 15 minutes or so we were back on the boat for a short time before finally being picked up by another tractor train and taken back to the main building. All up the tour went for about 2 hours and the consensus was that it was very good. There was then plenty of fruit and fruit-based creams etc for sale, but we managed to avoid the temptation and head straight to the café as we decided that it was definitely lunch time.

After returning from Tropical Fruit World, we had a short rest and then everyone except Gaz decided to walk the 2km into town – the girls wandered the shops (two days in a row for me!), while the boys decided it was important to check out the Surf Club … Gaz met them there in the car. It wasn’t too long, and the girls found themselves also at the club, enjoying the fabulous views on offer of the beach … and a wine or two.

Kev & Maz had arranged to meet with Jordan and Angus who are at the Magic Millions on the Gold Coast, so that left Wayne, Vicky, Gaz and I who decided we might as well stay until dinner … which we did. Why wouldn’t you with such a lovely view? A very pleasant afternoon ensued with the culmination of an equally pleasant dinner. Gaz offered to drive two of us home, but we said, ‘no, we’ll walk’, until we got outside and realised it was raining and we all decided that risking the wiper less car in the rain was preferable to a walk in the rain! Gaz’s taxi service sprang into action, and we were soon back at the cabin for an evening of Euchre where … drum roll … the girls prevailed in a close match. Looking for a reasonably early night as we’re on the road again tomorrow. Weather forecast not looking good.   

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