Thursday, November 15, 2012

Day 26 – Sailing from Greece to Ancona, Italy and then to San Marino

We knew that it would be a long day of nothing today so we planned it with precision. We awoke at 8.30am, breakfast at 9am, back in the cabin at 9.45am, read until 11.45am (for added excitement I also did my nails during this time), napped until 12.45pm, lunch at 1pm, back in the cabin at 2pm, read until 4pm, wrote blog until 5pm, packed up and went to the lounge area to wait with the group for our expected arrival at 7pm. Not much happening at sea…

Unfortunately the boat docked late and we then had to wait a while for Rocko, our driver, to get the bus off the ferry so it was 8.30pm or so before we hit the road for the 2 hour drive to San Marino. As you would expect everyone was pretty hungry & tired when we finally arrived at the hotel at 11pm Greek time or 10pm Italian time so we pretty much went straight to dinner and then straight to our rooms to settle in for the night.

I was so excited to get wi-fi I spent some time downloading photos and blog notes and finally made it to bed at 2pm Greek time or 1pm Italian time. Off to Venice tomorrow!

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