Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Day 39 - Glasgow

It takes some getting used to – the late sunrise. When we awoke we swept open the curtains to greet the new day to find our view of the motorway packed with early morning traffic but pitch black as if it were midnight…and it was 7.30am. It stays really dark and then suddenly (at about 8am) it is daylight, and in the case of today, the sun was shining. Yes, the weather continues to smile upon us against all the odds. We were discussing it today and in the last 39 days we can only recall a total of a few hours of rain…and only 20 minutes of that was heavyish, the rest was drizzle.

After another scrummy breakfast (I love the automatic pancake making machine!) we headed off on foot to get to town by 10am where we joined the Hop On Hop Off bus to do the full circuit. This took 1 hour 45 minutes and was really good. I took heaps of photos (ironically the sun was not helpful as it put a glare on the window of the bus) and enjoyed the recorded commentary. I really love Glasgow and hope to come back one day to look at some of these gardens, museums and other assorted attractions. We can use the bus ticket again tomorrow and may have time to see some of what’s on offer.

We met David, Sheila & Derek at midday for lunch and had a wonderful time. Davey had a reunion with Greg and Alex (ha ha) and we had so much food there was no chance of ever getting through it all though it was very nice indeed. It was great to catch up with them and hopefully we’ll catch up with them again in Australia soon.

After lunch we did a bit of shopping on the way back to the hotel and Carly discovered she had not mastered the Scottish accent to quite the extent she had first thought. As we were coming out of Tesco a fellow was collecting for charity and said something like “Any small change for the hospital?” Carly said “Pardon?” to which he repeated himself and she still had no idea and said “thank you”, wondering why I was killing myself laughing as we walked down the street. Anyway, we rested in the room for an hour and watched some game shows (The Weakest Link and another bizarre word game) and then headed back into town to go to a movie. We saw Gambit which was not at all what I expected – quite a strange movie. We came home via the Christmas Markets (again) and devoured another macaroon each – they are awesome.

So it was just a jam roll and fruit for dinner – too much food earlier in the day. Last night in Glasgow tonight and then it’s back to London tomorrow.

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