Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Day 33 - Lucerne

It was another chilly start to the day with a foggy mist hovering somewhat over us. Not the ideal conditions for a scenic lake cruise…but, hey, you can’t do anything about the weather! So we walked from the hotel for 5 minutes or so to Lake Lucerne where we boarded a boat for a 1 hour cruise. The misty conditions meant we were unable to fully appreciate the mountains around us, but we were able to see the immediate surrounds of the lake. It was very cold out on the top deck of the boat so we mainly huddled inside where it was very pleasant indeed.

After the cruise most of our group were heading off to Mt Titlis for an optional excursion to the top of the mountain. This did not appeal to Carly in the least and I had done it before so we decided to give it a miss and spend the day in Lucerne instead. There was a large painting of a chairlift thingy in our room and that was the closest Carly was getting to that mountain!

We spent the morning shopping – checking out watches and swiss army knives. Just about every shop has an abundance of both – I’m sure it is mandatory to sell these items for anyone going into business here. We also ran into Julie & Lyn, some friends from our group, and had lunch – some yummy goulash soup – it was nice to sit down and rest for a little while.

It wasn’t for long though and then after dropping off our purchases we went for a long walk through some residential streets, finally ending up at the river and following it back to the lake, passing the old city walls and towers on the way. It probably took us 2 hours but was worthwhile as there was a lot to see. Our feet were very sore though! Not too sore to discourage us from hitting the supermarket on the way back and stocking up on Swiss chocolate.

A bit of a rest for an hour or so, dinner at the hotel and it was back to the room to pack and prepare for our departure tomorrow. I have loved Lucerne – it is a really pretty place.

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