Friday, November 23, 2012

Day 34 - Germany

For some strange reason on this 27 day tour of Europe we only spend 24 hours in Germany and most of that is in the bus travelling from Switzerland to the Netherlands. It’s a shame because I have really enjoyed my time in Germany in on previous trips and Carly won’t really get to see much of it.

Anyway, today was perhaps the least exciting day of the tour so far. We spent just about all of it on the bus and our first two stops were on the motorway – a 30 minute morning stop and then a 45 minute lunch stop. All this after a 7.30am start!

It wasn’t until 3.15pm after following the Rhine River along for some time that we stopped for a cruise on the river. Unfortunately the boat took exactly the same course as the one we had taken to get there so we didn’t actually see anything new. Oh well, it was a change from being on the bus! There were lots and lots of castles overlooking the river but we learned they had all been destroyed by Napoleon and re-built afterwards so they weren’t quite as old as they looked – very impressive none the less.

After the cruise we did get to wander for 40 minutes in the small village of Boppard so that was nice. It was a really cute place with the obligatory cobble stoned winding streets but had the added attraction of fronting the beautiful Rhine River and being surrounded by lovely scenery. 

We arrived at our hotel (which is randomly the Holiday Inn at Cologne Airport!) at about 6.30pm and just had time to wait for our bags to arrive before it was time to head down to dinner. Another quiet night tonight - filling out our feedback questionnaires for Cosmos and generally re-arranging our suitcases. Last night of this tour tomorrow night and then it’s back to London!

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