Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Day 31 – Salzburg

So the day dawned…well I guess it did, but who could tell, it was so foggy! We had a fair drive to Salzburg, leaving at 8.30am, making a 30 minute stop along the way and then arriving at about 12.30pm. I would like to say that the scenery was breathtaking…and I’m sure it was…it was just that we couldn’t see it through the thick blanket of mist that shrouded everything. None the less it was a pleasant drive and at least the sun wasn’t in my eyes!

Unfortunately my cold had worsened somewhat overnight so as well as pretty much being voiceless, or at the very least quite croaky, I also felt pretty crappy with a headache and fever. But in the true spirit of soldiering on CJ and I set out to explore Salzburg. It certainly looked very different to how I remembered it. This was mainly, I think, due to the fact that it was 2° and not 32°! Yes, it was freezing and despite being well rugged up our faces and noses in particular, were very cold.

So we wandered around the shops with Carly going in to thaw out occasionally – I still found it way too hot inside so mainly did mini dashes in and out. We went to a random Irish pub for lunch and ordered a cheeseburger which turned out to be a frozen one microwaved out the back and served on a paper plate. It was actually surprisingly tasty and I guess you can’t expect too much for €3.

In addition to shopping we did a bit of sightseeing but did not attempt the climb up to the Abbey as it was shrouded in fog, I was fading fast, and we also probably didn’t really have enough time. Ditto for the gardens – it was just too cold to face the walk. I did manage to point out a couple of other Sound of Music sights but frankly I could have told Carly anything as she is not an SoM connoisseur and would not have known the difference.

Importantly we found a pharmacy and I was able to stock up on cold and flu tablets to keep me going. Thankfully Carly hasn’t succumbed to the dreaded lurgy yet and I hope it stays that way. We got to our hotel in Innsbruck about 6pm, had dinner at 7pm and then it was back to the room for a nice warm bath and an early night. Not sure how cold it is expected to be tomorrow, but hey, I’m sure we’ll cope with whatever it is.

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