Sunday, November 1, 2015

Day 1 - Leaving on a jet plane

Hard to believe it's been 3 years since Carly and I last jetted off into the wide blue yonder and yet here we are again. It's 3.22am (Monday) and our grand plan is that if we try to adjust our body clock to our destination we will sleep at the appropriate time on the 14 hour plane trip we have this morning. So here we are in our airport hotel room in Sydney and it's the middle of the night yet we are trying to be on Las Vegas time (8.22 am Sunday). Let's hope it works! Now we just have 8 hours to kill until our flight leaves at 11:40am...

So this 3 week adventure will be taking in a range of random places in the US that we either were keen to re-visit or see for the first time - Vegas, San Francisco, Nashville, Boston, and New York. Gary & Rhys have stayed at home so it is a girls only trip once again. Some bits are planned and some will be spontaneous exploring - there are planned historical elements, sporting arenas, music and entertainment, and of course, general sightseeing...and we will make the rest up!

At the moment Carly is putting me to shame doing her morning routine of sit ups, stomach crunches, push ups etc...and all before 4am! What a shame I didn't pack joggers - we could have accessed the 24 hour gym... Looks like we might have to find a movie on TV or read a book or google places to see or repack our bags or wash our hair or make cups of tea or do anything to stay awake until it's time to go.

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