Sunday, November 15, 2015

Day 15 - Train to New York and Matilda on Broadway

After too many miles in the air, we decided to take the train from Boston to New York, and that's where we set off to this morning, South Station, Boston. We arrived at the station by 8:30 for our 9:40 train and promptly found a friendly porter, Frank (not Frankie the tour guide), who instructed us to grab some brekky at one of the many eateries and he would personally escort us onto the train early to get great seats. This we did, and as promised, Frank came up with the goods, setting us up well before the hoi poloi joined us. He suggested the quiet carriage and boy was it quiet...not a peep! We were warned by some other early travellers not to make a sound as others get quite narky if you do.

The trip was about 4 hours but was spent pleasantly watching TV shows on the tablet, reading and watching the passing scenery as we travelled through Rhode Island and Conneticut to reach New York Penn Station at about 2pm.

A quick cab to our hotel, check in and spruce up, and we hit the streets...well, we got as far as the next corner where we found a neighbourhood diner and stepped in for some linner. We were getting hangry... Pasta and a panini with salad and fries put paid to our hunger and our exploration continued. We did a reccy for something we have planned for tomorrow, battled our way through Times Square, and then it was time for that great Broadway hit, Matilda at 6:30pm. We loved it. Tim Minchin has certainly done very well!

After the show we were once again hoofing our way, this time to Columbus Circle where we knew there was an awesome supermarket. There were also some pretty lights and thankfully quite a few less people than we had encountered earlier in Times Square which was totally chaotic. We grabbed some supper, a snicker doodle each, and also grabbed an apple each in case we get hungry on our secret endeavour tomorrow morning.

So back at the hotel it was a quick shower and in bed by 10:30 to prepare for that 5am alarm. Whose idea was this anyway? Stay tuned...

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