Thursday, November 19, 2015

Day 18, 19 & 20 - A Long Way Home

As The Little River Band's a long way took us 3 days. Well, not really. Obviously crossing the international date line has something to do with that...yet New York to Sydney (and then on to Newcastle) is a bit of a trek.

On our last morning in New York we spent a little bit of time wandering around, grabbing breakfast, some last minute shopping, and then the final pack of the bags and it was off to JFK Airport. The first flight was about 5 1/2 hours from New York to Los Angeles. We then had about 2 1/2 hour lay over before we had about 13 1/2 hours in the air to Sydney. All flights were good and uneventful so after leaving New York on 18 Nov we arrived in Sydney on 20 Nov. Where did that other day go? 

Gary was there to pick us up (thanks Gaz), and a couple of hours in the car up the freeway and we were home well before lunch. Thankfully I had brought a change of clothes so I could discard those knee high boots and winter gear for shorts and sandals as it is 40 degrees + today!

Some general comments on the trip I may have missed...

- most people thought our accents were from the UK and some people had trouble understanding us at all, particularly in Tennessee. Carly had to spell her name and even then they struggled...I think they thought she was Kailee. We particularly liked the Boston accent, but they were all cool.

- we tried to understand tipping but were never totally confident...I think we probably over-tipped, coz we didn't want to be stingy.

- restrooms are awesome everywhere - the ones here in Australia are a disgrace in comparison. Great hand-dryers or paper towels and soap everywhere, including public toilets in parks...and the toilets auto flush!

- wifi is fantastic and free just about everywhere - all free hotel wifi was better that what I have at home and was much faster

- Starbucks are everywhere...but seem to have a monopoly...not too many other alternatives (though this might just be touristy areas)

- Carly was certain that nobody besides her and Grannie (my mum) read the daily blog. Even when I showed her the stats that for instance on the day I looked at 63 people had accessed that blog, she still maintained that would have been Grannie clicking on it 60 times! Maybe she can't cope with her new found fame lol

All in all both Carly and I agree that we had a great trip. We didn't regret any of our choices and felt that we mixed it up pretty well with sport, music, food, history, and general sight seeing. I think our pick was Nashville, and in particular the Bluebird Cafe, which was fantastic. Having said that, we really enjoyed it all and now need a holiday to recover from our holiday.

Well it's now back to reality. It's been great though - thanks for sharing our journey with us.

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