Saturday, November 7, 2015

Day 7 - Muir Woods, Sausalito, & Ferry Building Markets

Another day in paradise with a beautiful sunny and fine day in San Fran. Our now typical start to the day occurred as usual with the alarm getting our day going at 6:30. We had decided to check out another diner for breakfast as Carly had done a lot of Trip Advisor research and this one also looked promising. We were not disappointed - the bagels and fruit salad were just awesome! One half was peanut butter, bacon and apple and the other half cream cheese, strawberry and blueberries. Yum yum!! 

After such a great start to the day we knew we would have a great day. We had pre-booked a tour to Muir Woods and Sausalito and met our driver Kenneth who called us "Australia" all day. The drive across the Golden Gate Bridge was my first close look at the bridge and also afforded Carly an opportunity to appraise the idea of the bike ride over the bridge. She was also considering walking over the bridge if the bike ride seemed too scary but in the end decided against both...she is not a fan of heights. (The time I made her climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge has apparently scarred her for life.) 

Muir Woods is a national monument and quite amazing. Lots and lots of redwoods with some nice boardwalks and trails to view them. It was very pleasant spending an hour or so wandering about. It reminded me a bit of Sea Acres at Port Macquarie...but obviously different types of trees (though we saw quite a few gum trees on the way that were planted here over a hundred years ago and Kenneth told quite a few stories about how dangerous they are - limbs fall and kill people, they burst into flame etc - not painting Australia in a great light!) Kenneth was a pretty good guide and told many stories about celebrities who lived in the areas we drove through including Otis Redding (showed us where he was when he wrote Sitting on the Dock of the Bay), Robin Williams, Janis Joplin and many more.

It was then on to Sausalito, a lovely little town opposite San Fran, across the bay. We had a yummy burger for lunch as we were surprisingly hungry and just wandered along the waterfront for an hour or so before rejoining Kenneth and the group for our trip back to San Fran. There was much procrastination over what to do for the afternoon. In the end we decided to walk towards the Ferry Building where we meet our shuttle transport to get to the 49ers tomorrow. As we set out Carly googled the place and discovered there was a Farmers Market there today that finished at 2pm. She determined if we hurried we would get there before it closed and went into overdrive. The "flash" had been engaged and I pretty much had to jog to keep up! As it is Saturday, crowds lined the sidewalks and we ploughed our way through to arrive at a bustling building with many food shops that certainly did not look like they were going to close any time soon. There were some markets as well and a piece of pecan pie was purchased before we (at a somewhat more leisurely pace) returned back to the hotel. 

Carly has been fighting a cold for a few days so we decided a rest was in order and luckily another NFL movie was on TV - the Longest Yard with Adam Sandler. I'm not sure this is our best education for the 49ers game tomorrow...but it's all we've got! We popped out again a bit later to grab a few snacks for dinner and drop off some laundry to be washed and then it was back for more TV and an early night.

Also heard the sad news about the Jets...but it looks like the Aussies are doing pretty well in the cricket! The WiFi here at the hotel is fantastic (as it also was in Vegas) - heaps faster than at home so I've been able to stay in touch pretty well. Travelling is so different in this day and age!

I'm getting excited to go to the game...only one more sleep!

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