Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Day 3 - Shopping & Le Reve

We had a fantastic nights sleep! The alarm woke us at 5:50am as tickets to a show in Nashville went on sale at 6am and we planned to be in the queue to get some...and we did...we got tickets to The Bluebird!!!!! If you're not a country music fan or indeed a fan of the TV show Nashville this will mean nothing to you...but if you are you will know why we are so excited. We're going to The Bluebird!!!!
Carly kindly went downstairs and grabbed me a cup of tea (not Lipton!) which was lovely and then she initiated me into her morning routine of crunches, squats, push ups and tricep dips...suffice it to say I'm starting to feel a bit sore tonight...hope I can walk tomorrow. We set off down the "strip" and had a fabulous buffet brekky at Aria - and just as well too as it was to be a big day. We lined up for a while to buy tickets for shows tonight and tomorrow but decided we were missing precious shopping time so postponed that activity in favour of heading off on the bus to the outlet shops. We shopped til we dropped...almost literally. By 3:30 Carly was growling - could have been her tummy but I think it was actually her - so we abandoned our original "ribs" plan and found a really cool sports restaurant called Buffalo Wild Wings where we feasted on...buffalo wings.
Suddenly realising we were running really late we ran to the bus stop, negotiating what Carly termed the "death crossing" - a pedestrian crossing across a 6 lane highway where you press a button that starts some lights flashing and this is supposed to encourage cars to stop. Let me tell you the person who thought that one up was very optimistic! Anyway, after a successful crossing (ie we didn't die), we waited at the bus stop only to be told by a kind local lady that we were at the wrong stop and needed to be on the other side of the street. Yes, that's right - we needed to once again attack the "death crossing". Twice in one day seemed to be pushing our luck, yet I'm here tonight so somehow we made our way back where we found the puny sign that we should have read earlier to know that we needed to be on that side...darned sign. 
On our way back to Vegas we did drive past the famous Las Vegas sign and I managed a quick photo through the bus window. There is a whole parking lot there for people to stop and take a photo and a bride and groom were posing as we sailed on by.
Great shot, huh?

Anyway, the next hour was taken up with us bungling about and going to buy show tickets from what turned out to be the furthest booth we could have found. We had to line up for ages and then we ran (literally) back down the strip to our hotel, passing many other, much closer, booths with no lines on the way. D'oh! We ran into our room, threw down our parcels, ran back out and luckily ran and jumped on a bus heading back up the strip to make our 7pm show - Le Reve at Wynn Casino, the absolute other end of the strip. No worries we thought - we have plenty of time. Wrong! Firstly traffic was heavy, secondly the bus kept stopping to let heaps of people on and off (didn't they know we were in a hurry?), and lastly there was some incident/road rage that resulted in the bus just stopping for an unknown reason for 15 minutes. We met some other people who were also going to our show and we were all freaking out that we wouldn't make it. Finally off the bus, we raced in and were seated at 6:59...never in doubt!
The show was FABULOUS! Everything we had heard it would be. I took heaps of photos, but here is a sample...

After a great show we walked back through various casinos, played the pokies, put a (losing) roulette bet on for James, grabbed a bite from the famous Carlo's Bakery, and then walked and bussed it back to our room...exhausted. Another big day planned tomorrow, so I'd better get some sleep. Carly's already out to it.

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