Thursday, November 5, 2015

Day 5 - Travel to San Francisco

Got to sample our third casino buffet this morning and Carly voted it (the Luxor) he best yet. After our scrummy breakfast we packed up all our stuff which now seemed to include considerably more stuff, perhaps due to all those shopping expeditions. A quick check out, cab trip to the airport, and it was farewell to Vegas. We had a great time and both agreed that although we had both been before (seperately) this was such a different experience. I reckon you could visit Vegas yearly and never do the same thing much to do and see.

A fairly uneventful trip to San Francisco had us land there a bit after 1pm. We then pondered how to actually get to our hotel. We stumbled upon a shared ride shuttle bus that was just what we needed. The driver was very chatty and told us of his plans to visit Australia next year. We promised to say g'day when he arrived. He was raving about our cute accents and said he loves the way Aussies say "she'll be right". We've had a few people comment that they love our accents - I always find that so sounds jarring to my ears, especially here. Anyway, he got us to the hotel and that's the main thing.

After checking in at about 2:30 we were starving so by 3pm we were off to The Pub at Ghiradelli Square. While at Vegas airport we had googled their menu so we had picked out our choices and were raring to go. Carly was approaching her "hangry" phase ( it had been a while since brekky) and she was ready to eat ribs! The food was amazing and totally lived up to expectations.

After our linner (or is that dunch?) we spent a couple of hours wandering around Fishermans Wharf just checking out the souvenir shops and at least six chocolate shops (which seemed to be everywhere). One sports store shop was particularly amusing with lots and lots of Hayne 38 San Francisco 49ers jerseys reduced in a big sale. Poor Jarrod! Poor us! We rearranged our whole trip to watch him play and he's been dumped back to the practice squad! Oh well, we will enjoy the game anyway, I hope. 

So, with our chocolate purchase to share for supper, we decided on an early night. Good first day in San Fran even though I battled Microsoft for 2 hours tonight as they had blocked my email because someone was accessing it in Vegas and then San Fran...well, der! Hopefully it's fixed...but I'm not quite convinced...

It's off to Alcatraz tomorrow and I'm really excited to check it out. 

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