Monday, March 20, 2017

Road Trip 2017 – Day 12 – Port Fairy

We awoke this morning not to the dulcet tones of raindrops on the roof as we anticipated, but instead to blue skies with some scattered clouds. The rain gods were smiling on us yet again. After breakfast Marion and I headed off on a cycle ride while Gaz and Kevin took off for a round of golf. Apparently, (we heard later), the golf course was very nice, with some beach views, and the boys played quite well…better without the girls to slow them down it seems.

Marion and I enjoyed about three hours of cycling around town, to Griffiths Island, up the coast a bit, and through a few parks as well as taking in the sights of noted buildings. I initially felt a bit guilty that I had dumped Betty, my bike, in favour of Gary’s bike, Gerry. This did not last long! OMG – it is so much easier to ride! All this time I thought I was old, unfit, un-coordinated, and just basically a crap rider…and it turns out it was the bike, not me. Don't get me wrong, I love Betty, but definitely only on the flat. Gerry is a Giant, a lot more expensive, and now I know why. (Gary says I named the bike Gerry for geriatric ‘cause it’s his bike, but that is clearly not the case. Gerry just goes with Giant!)

Anyway, we really enjoyed our ride and at least felt we were burning some calories. After lunch Gaz and I then took a walk to the beach and into town…more calories…yes! Port Fairy is a VERY pretty place. All the houses are very well kept, the gardens are lovely. Gary was here for 10 minutes yesterday when he announced that he would like to live here! I can see the attraction.

I spent an hour or so catching up with the laundry this afternoon before we were joined by Kevin and Marion who had whipped up a scrumptious dinner. Roast lamb, gravy, mash, and vegies. Yum yum. This was topped off with some warmed up home made fruit cake, (purchased yesterday in Meningie), and custard. Who said you couldn’t eat well when caravanning/cabinning? It has just started raining lightly but the TV news has warned us of torrential downpours tomorrow. We’ll have to wait and see.

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