Friday, March 17, 2017

Road Trip 2017 – Day 9 – Adelaide Shores to Kingston Park

We packed up all our belongings into the car ready for the 11km journey to our next location. It felt a bit the same as when we moved from No 8 to No 39 in the same street. It shouldn’t be as much hassle but it is. Anyway, we were out by 10am but couldn’t go in to our next spot until 2pm so we did what any self-respecting tourists would do…we went shopping at the outlet stores! Our big find was Gary’s favourite shorts that we have been searching for for two years as they have stopped making them and there are just remnants here and there. We were so excited we bought 4 pairs!

Even though we couldn’t get into the cabin, we were able to leave our car at the new location and join Kevin and Marion on a trip into Adelaide where we boarded ‘Popeye’ a river cruise along the Torrens River. It was very pleasant and a great way to spend an hour – I always think you get a very different perspective viewing a city from its river. We watched the St Patrick’s Day revellers next to Adelaide Oval which is right next to the river, quite close to the city. 

After the cruise we took a short walk through town in search of a coffee – the general consensus is that it was very strange there were not cafes down at the river. Topped up with caffeine, we then trotted back to where we parked the car and faced the peak hour traffic back to our beach-side caravan park. Kevin and Marion took off for a bike ride while Gary and I were finally able to unpack and gain access to our cabin. 

I then took off for a solo bike ride, heading from Kingston Park, past Seacliff and then on to Brighton where there is a long jetty. Nice bike path and beautiful scenery. I rushed back as I knew wine o’clock had started in my absence and we enjoyed a lovely hour or so looking over the beach as we planned our adventures for tomorrow.

We decided to eat at the Seacliff Surf Club, a mere stroll away, and were flabbergasted by the setting sun as we made our way along the beachfront to dinner. How lucky are we to have this weather? I hear it’s pouring at home.

And to top off a wonderful day, it was confirmed at the Newcastle City Cricket Club Presentation tonight, (that I was shattered to miss by the way), that I had been named ‘Club-person of the Year’. Until I was sent a photo of the trophy I still half believed it was a gee-up, even though I had been asked to, and had sent, a video accepting the award so it could be played tonight. There are so many long serving and hard working people at the club, it certainly was a surprise. In the words of an Australian great, ‘I love youse all!’ 

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