Sunday, March 26, 2017

Road Trip 2017 – Day 18 – Lakes Entrance to Eden

The sun was out, the birds were singing, no clouds in sight, and so it was that we waved goodbye to Lakes Entrance and Victoria and set off northwards. We stopped briefly at Cann River for morning tea and then pushed on to Eden where we arrived at the same time as Kevin and Marion. What a great place! We have a fabulous cabin, (maybe the best yet), and we are right across a small road to the beach. 

After unpacking, Gaz & I took a little walk around a lake and up to the beach. It looked fabulous and I couldn't wait to get in there for a swim…which I did…it was beautiful!

It was then onto Gerry and off for a ride alongside the beach and up to a cliff top for some awesome scenery back over the bay. (I was pretty impressed with Gerry – we went up some pretty steep hills!)

I couldn't wait to get back and go for another swim. This time I took my book down as well and spent a lovely hour or so at the beach. Ahhhhh. Maz and Kevin came down too, as well as Gaz for a quick paddle. It was such a beautiful day – no breeze, mid 20s, blue sky…perfect.

Kevin & Maz had been secretively planning dinner all afternoon, and it was sure worth waiting for! A veritable feast of seafood, salad, and Moroccan potatoes, followed by a medley of yummy dessert! We ate at the outside BBQ area and had a lovely evening. Only one more stop before we head home!


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