Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Road Trip 2017 – Day 13 – Port Fairy Surrounds

Well, it had to catch up with us, and today it certainly did! It seemed like the middle of the night when I woke up just before 7am as it was raining pretty hard…and it just got harder as the day went on. We decided to try out the café at the beach for breakfast and that was a very successful outing  – yummy food – though we did get soaked getting to and from the car. This was the view from our table.

After touching base with the Tourist Info place after breakfast, Gaz and I chose to take a drive to Warrnambool while Kevin and Marion headed off to Koroit, a small nearby town for some sightseeing. Did I mention it was raining? It was pouring and there was a lot of surface water on the road making driving a bit tricky. Gaz and I drove around Warrnambool and found it to be a really nice place, if a bit soggy. We stopped into Kmart to buy a DVD – The Book Thief – as we knew we could only drive around in the rain for so many hours. We did find some nice beaches and scenery though.

Kevin and Marion had some success on their drive and saw some Emus as well as learning about a local attraction called The Towers, some basalt rock in water filled craters from an old volcano. They got soaked too…

Coming back into Port Fairy, we needed to gather some supplies for dinner, (my turn to cook tonight), and called into town. Did I mention it was raining? The gutters were overflowing with water and we had to wade ankle deep through water to get to the shop! By the time we were back in the cabin we were cold, wet, and over the rain – and we’d only had it half a day!

After lunch Kevin, Gaz and I watched the movie, (Maz had seen it before), and then I whipped up a pasta dish for dinner, followed by some dessert purchased from the bakery. This was topped off by a vigorous game of backgammon, a bit of tidying up, and then planning our trip tomorrow along the Great Ocean Road. It’s still raining this evening but fingers crossed we get a bit of a break tomorrow.

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