Thursday, March 23, 2017

Road Trip 2017 – Day 16 – Lakes Entrance Cruise

Plans to play golf this morning were quashed when we awoke to a grey day with light rain. There must have been a bit of rain overnight and no one was keen to get too wet. Instead we planned a somewhat later start and thought we would go on a lunchtime cruise of the lakes. Gaz and I took a stroll along the Esplanade before our designated meeting time of 10:30am to get to the wharf for the 11am departure. Unfortunately not a single other soul had the same idea as us and the cruise was cancelled as there were no other passengers.

Ok – plan B. We checked out another cruise company (who I had secretly preferred the sound of anyway), and found they had an afternoon cruise leaving at 1pm for a 3 hour cruise…and it was definitely going. Yay! Cruise sorted. Maz and I wandered the shops together to fill in the time and grabbed a quick shared lunch of calamari, chips and salad while Gaz and Kevin did whatever blokes do around shops…not sure…think they got a coffee.

So, at the designated time we arrived and set off on our cruise…a 3 hour cruise. No, it wasn’t reminiscent of Gilligan’s Island, it was a lovely, peaceful cruise around the lakes. We did go near the entrance where we saw some fur seals and it was pretty choppy there but Gaz handled the swell with ease. The couple who own the boat are very friendly and a wealth of information on the area. They cook and serve scones on board for afternoon tea – very impressive – this had Kevin and Gaz swapping scone baking tips with Mel, the lady who cooked them.

After our 3 hours, we had seen quite a lot, I had taken about a thousand photos, and we were happy to head back to the caravan park. Kevin and Gaz took the cars off to wash them, and Maz and I went in search of the laundry to do the washing. Really? Is this the 1950s?

The best was saved for last. We had decided to head out for dinner to a floating Chinese restaurant and it was yum! (It was No 1 on Trip Advisor). Great food though it was taking a while at first and we tried to recall idioms that demonstrated you were hungry – a definite winner was Kevin with “I’m so hungry I’d eat a horse and chase the rider”. I hadn’t heard that one before.

It was then a re-match in the Euchre grudge match and Gaz and I came to the fore with a resounding win. Looks like the decider is tomorrow night! Fingers crossed for good weather to allow golfing and fishing tomorrow.

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