Monday, March 12, 2018

2018 Road Trip – Day 15 Holbrook, Yass, Canberra

Travel day today so it was back to the usual routine of packing the car and setting off by 9am. We had done some research with our old friend Mr Google last night and decided that Holbrook looked like a good place to stop for a break. They have a submarine park … strange thing for an inland town … but what a story. During WW1 the town of Germanton looked for a new name (for obvious reasons) and chose Holbrook after the commander of a submarine who became a hero and received the Victoria Cross. What a great story!


We spent a bit of time in the park and then in the adjoining café before hitting the road again. We had finished the audio book of The Firm by John Grisham just before we arrived in Wangaratta, so I had downloaded another one – The Rosie Project. I’ve read it before (twice) but I’m enjoying it anyway. Gaz chuckles every now and then.

Another hour and a half later we found ourselves in Yass where we enjoyed bacon and egg rolls at a really cute old fashioned milk bar with authentic looking booths and a lovely Greek gentleman doing the cooking. It was then just a short drive to Canberra where we found the caravan park and settled in by about 3:30pm.


After unpacking, I finished a book I have been reading (sobbing hysterically through the last few chapters) and then was more than ready for a drink with the others before we wandered down to an on site restaurant for dinner. Dinner was awesome – pizza, nachos, fish and chips & paella. 

Looking forward to some Canberra adventures tomorrow.

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