Friday, March 16, 2018

2018 Road Trip – Day 19 Hyams Beach and Huskisson

A lazy, slow start to the day with Gaz cooking some yummy poached eggs for our breakfast – right up to restaurant standard too.

Then … disaster! I went to swap some jewellery over and realised I couldn’t find my jewellery case! I turned the cabin upside down – emptied every case, every drawer, every cupboard, every bag … all to no avail. Shattered, I contemplated the loss of my pearls, sentimental pieces bought in Jerusalem, Egypt, New Zealand, America, Broken Hill, and other far flung places I’m unlikely to return to. Desperate, I rang the caravan park in Canberra and they said nothing had been handed in, but they would look further and get back to me. How happy was I when they rang back 20 minutes later to say they had found it and would post it back to me? That was a heart-stopper.

With all that hoo haa going on, I was running a bit late but we joined Kev and Maz at about 10:15am and headed into Huskisson where Maz and I wandered the shops while Kev & Gaz had a coffee. I bought a little bit of replacement jewellery – well, I needed something to cover the next day and a half until I get home!

We then headed over to Hyams Beach – what a lovely spot! It was a lovely day, weather wise, about 23 degrees, mainly sunny, no wind – perfect. We had grabbed a lunch of sorts – bread rolls and fruit – and enjoyed that on the beach while we watched dolphins frolic past, swam in the crystal clear water, read our books, and generally enjoyed the next few hours.


After a bit of a scenic drive, we were back at the cabin for a short rest before we headed out again for a dinner, booked earlier by the boys. They had booked at Portside Café which I looked up on Trip advisor and found to be rated pretty low 27/35. It did have a great outlook so we thought we would chance it. When we arrived for our 7pm booking they were very excited to see us – and we soon saw why – we were their only patrons all night! How bizarre. The food was fine – we all agreed we would rate it 4/5 stars. We certainly got good service. We spoke at different times to the owner, waitress, and chef who were all lovely. Goodness knows what they would have done if we weren’t there. We grabbed an ice cream cone – well Gaz and Kev did – on the way home and passed multiple restaurants that were all packed. No idea why Portside was ignored – it was right on the water. Oh well, we had a good night reminiscing about our trip and re-living the highlights.


Last full day tomorrow!

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