Saturday, March 17, 2018

2018 Road Trip – Day 20 Parkrun and Huskisson

It might be our last day … but it’s also Saturday … so that means Parkrun. I managed to make it to the start on time and complete the run in under 40 minutes – well, 39:58 is under 40 minutes! There were a few more hills this week and lots of scenic views over Jervis Bay so I was happy with the time.


Gaz had said he would go fishing while I was away but unfortunately we both forgot the fishing gear was in the car that I had driven to Parkrun – oh well. The rest of the morning was spent reading a book, relaxing by the pool, and generally lounging about. This couple of days was designed to be our “wind down” and that’s what we were doing very successfully. Meanwhile, Kev and Maz went for a 2 hour bike ride!


In that wind down spirit, we decided to go to the movies! Huskisson Pictures is a very cute cinema and, for a while we thought we may be the only patrons like last night’s restaurant, but at least 4 or 5 others were spotted in the quite large theatre. We saw “Molly Bloom” and I would highly recommend it – great movie, as agreed by all four of us.

Back home there was a little more lounging, book reading etc and then it was time for the Jets v Wellington game on Foxtel. Yay- first Foxtel for our whole trip. Watched the mighty Jets win 1-0, Maz & Kev cooked yummy pasta which we ate during the second half, played a round of Euchre (I lost again, this time with Gaz), finished off the port, talked about our next trip. Suggestions were bandied about but no destination really determined.


It’s been a great trip but we are all pretty happy to be getting home tomorrow. We have been so lucky with the weather and have all agreed we were happy with our destinations (decided by Gaz) and activities (decided by Maz). Kev and I were happy to go along for the ride. 

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