Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Day 16 – Leongatha, Sale, Bairnsdale, Metung


We are a well-oiled machine when it comes to packing up ready to move on.  Wayne & Vicky were gone by 8am and we were on the road by 9:30am with Kev & Maz taking a slightly different route to us. I was very keen to visit Leongatha having previously heard the story of nine-year-old Lenny and his pony Ginger Mick who rode solo to Sydney in 1932 to see the opening of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. This was his reward for looking after the farm for a month while his father had a broken leg. He was feted along the way, becoming quite famous and ended up being in the procession at the opening of the bridge. He also got to meet Don Bradman and attend a cricket game at the SCG. He was 9!!! Anyway, when I heard a statue had been made in his honour, I had to see it. Unfortunately, there was a gang of workers with diggers working nearby and it was roped off, but I got a couple of shots anyway. The statue is life sized, and it was amazing to see how small they were.


Leongatha is also famous for a certain lady who cooked some mushrooms up for her in-laws and allegedly killed three of them ... case still before the courts so I won’t say any more! We continued on out of town and our audio book – The Rosie Effect – finally finished and we put the next one on – The Bullet That Missed (Thursday Murder Club Mystery). We really enjoy the books – it certainly makes the time pass more quickly. Our next stop was Sale where we met up with some old friends – Jim & Barb – who we haven’t seen for ages. Although it was just an hour for lunch it was great to see them. Jim is Alison’s older half-brother and used to live in Lake Macquarie but has moved to Sale to be near Barb’s family including their great granddaughters who they regularly babysit.


We farewelled them and in only about half an hour were at Bairnsdale where we visited St Mary’s Catholic Church with its famous painted ceiling. It was well worth the stop – very impressive. After that we found a Woolies and stocked up on ingredients for Beef Strog which was my dish of choice to cook for dinner.


It was then only another half hour or so to Metung, our ultimate destination. Although perched on the side of a mountain, the house is fabulous. Great views and nicely styled ... and we have an ensuite each! Score! After dragging everything from the car down a mile of steps and unpacking, Kev, Maz, and I headed off the 2km or so to the shops, walking along a lovely boardwalk. It’s a small village but very pretty. By the time we returned I was stuffed but there was no rest for the wicked and meal prep commenced, with a well-earned wine in hand.


The dinner turned out pretty well and it all got eaten up (forgot to take a photo!). It was then time for Euchre – Gaz/Kev v Maz/Pen with the boys whitewashing us 2-0. A bit of a very violent movie (The Mechanic) on TV and then it was time for bed.

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