Monday, February 19, 2024

Day 8 – Yarra Glen & Healesville


Another slow start and another beautiful day – we have been so blessed with the weather! Pottered around this morning planning our day and Kev planning what he will cook tonight. The boys booked themselves into golf at Healesville and Maz and I went exploring. Golf was later reported to be very successful – I did hear there was a par on the last and a few good shots along the way so what more could you ask for? Gaz even remembered to take a couple of photos – well done!


Maz and I found Alowyn Gardens a mere 4 minutes from where we are staying and what a find! There is a nursery, a café and 7 acres of different gardens. We spent an amazing almost 2 hours there wandering around the nursery and the gardens – they were sensational. Fabulously designed and maintained, there was something for everyone, from vegetable and kitchen gardens, to a Zen garden. There were heaps of hedges (you know I love a hedge!) including a labyrinth that we walked. The top features were all the arbours – many were of wisteria which is unfortunately not blooming now but I imagine it would be even more stunning when it is (in the spring?). I bought Gaz a little metal bee to put in his animal garden at home as we sadly have no bees at the moment due to the varroa mite eradication project where all the bees in our area were euthanised. Anyway, we loved the gardens and grabbed a quick bite at the café before heading into Yarra Glen township for a wander.


We spent another little while visiting the two antique shops and the one book shop in town. I think I favoured the book shop (surprise, surprise). Not too long after we arrived home the boys returned with some goodies having visited a brewery (Watt River Brewery) and a few shops in Healesville searching for Kev’s ingredients for his Massaman Curry that he cooked tonight. Kev had apparently taken one for the team and tasted a ‘plank’ of different beers in order select some for the boys to purchase and no doubt imbibe shortly. All in all, a satisfying day.


Once Kev had successfully got dinner underway, he and Maz undertook a backgammon challenge (backgammon was found in a games stash at the Airbnb). Maz also found another game about … Things … which we tried for a while under alternate rules but were ultimately cut short by the cry of ‘dinner is served’! Kev’s Massaman curry was spicy and very tasty – onya Kev!


After Kev’s massive dinner, everyone (except Gaz) decided to have a few rounds of Finska. Gaz acted as Kev’s coach which was no help to Kev as Maz won two rounds and I won one. We then decided we needed more exercise, so everyone (except Gaz) decided to go for a walk. We cut through a path at the end of the street and found a bowling club only 100m down the street with a beautiful park behind it and then we were pretty much at the shops. Great evening for a walk. And … of course … euchre! It was Maz/Pen v Gaz/Kev and, wait for it … 1-1.

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